Coming into Boston College, I had heard about how many amazing opportunities there are here. After the excitement of hearing the phrase “so many opportunities” faded, I began to wonder if it was just all hear say. As a freshman in CSOM I was taking Portico, an intro to business and ethics course with my advisor. While Portico is an amazing course, I am biased in believing it was my professor who made it my favorite class. Having an advisor as a professor made us get to know each other on a deeper level, which proved to be very beneficial. Fast-forward a year and she emails me saying that she had mentioned my name to the one of the Big Four Accounting firms campus recruiter who later got in contact with me. This all lead to me getting the wonderful opportunity to go into their Boston office for a day that coming summer to learn more about the company and industry as a whole. As a sophomore, I now realize that the talk of “amazing opportunities” is not just a rumor at BC, its reality. In this one example of mine, I see multiple. I am lucky enough to have gotten the chance to have a professor believe in me, as well as wonderful career networking as an underclassman. Boston College is a place where not only relationships are fostered, but where careers are jumpstarted early; I know this first hand because my story is not the exception. BC professors believe in the capability of their students and teach because they want to share their knowledge and make those connections. This makes it a welcoming place right from the first day of class freshman year. It doesn’t stop there, recruiters and employers also believe in Boston College students, making it a supportive environment from the throes of freshman year to building a career well after college.
-Kimberly Pace CSOM '17
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